Open up a world of business opportunities

Discover matches that were previously impossible to find

Qodeo’s diverse global reach and data capabilities create matching opportunities previously impossible to find. Qodeo is a cost effective subscription service that gives access to the global venture ecosystem for entrepreneurs and investors. Qodeo is always on, monitoring the ecosystem 24/7, looking for best-fit opportunities in real time.

Notifications + Unlimited Contacts
Matching with Hot/Warm ratings.

At the heart of Qodeo are proprietary algorithms that analyse a wide range of criteria, matching businesses seeking investment with investors from the venture capital community who are looking for business opportunities to fund.

The Qodeo system is able to categorise matches into hot and warm matches and notifies users in real-time when new matches have been found. Once matched, entrepreneurs and investors can reach out to make contact and start up funding conversations.

Unlimited Searches on Qodeo’s Investor and Entrepreneur databases

Qodeo also gives entrepreneurs and investors search access to the full Qodeo databases. Research, find and reach out to businesses and investors.

Search by funding levels, geo-location, stage of development and by industry sectors.

If you find an organisation you like by matching or searching you can add them to your shortlist. A convenient and fast way to keep track of the companies you are interested in.
Premium Market reports from top global business school partners

On concierge plans, access a library of industry market snapshots across a wide range of global markets produced by Qodeo’s top business school partners for the Private Equity and Capital Venture community.

Concierge service

On concierge plans, have your profile reviewed and optimised by our Qodeo experts. This improves your ‘matchability’ on the Qodeo platform.

Full access to Qodeo’s Premium Market reports and VIP invitations to select Qodeo events and webinars, getting inside access to valuable access to valuable information

Coming soon
  • More types of platform users such as corporate advisers
  • API integration to collect relevant data from the SEC and companies house
  • Improved notifications
  • The Qodeo app from the store
The start of a beautiful new relationship

Get started with Qodeo today

Qodeo marks the end of the needle-in-a-haystack approach to finding investment. It increases the odds of a perfect match, cutting through the noise to connect the smart money to the right opportunities in record time.